Maykker: New Tech in Window Cleaning

I just landed a large construction clean project for the first week of December, so I decided to reward myself with some goodies from Window Cleaner Resource. As I was ‘window shopping’ online, I could not stop looking at this new product. It was completely different from anything I had seen before in my 8 years in the biz.

The Maykker handy sleeve, specifically the new Switch Mop might just be one of the coolest pieces of new tech for trad window cleaners in a long time.

I am very excited to try out my new Maykker Mop with the Python and Switch Mop sleeves. I am particularly interested in the usage of the Switch Mop. It will be interesting to test out the blue scrub pad on top and the ends. With this tool, I am hoping to save time by eliminating the need to scrub each window after mopping it. I am not super hopeful, it seems every window I run into here in Montana requires a deep scrub, but it will certainly be fun to try out these new Maykker Mop systems!


Window Cleaning Video